An Ultimate Guide for Everyone in Kanpur

An Ultimate Guide for Everyone in Kanpur
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KanpurWants – An Ultimate Guide For Everyone in Kanpur

We've said it before, and we say it again (a little louder for the people in the back). KanpurWants knows that life isn't eating, working, sleeping (rinse and repeat). It is about remarkable experiences that you itch to share with others. It is about days that leave an indelible mark on the soul. It is about finding new things, #errday.

That's why we made KanpurWants the ultimate guide to exploring the city.

We want every person who wanders through our town, for a short while or permanently, to know it inside out. We want the 'originals' of the burg to see the new side of it. We want the 'newbies' of the town to say hello to the old side.

How do we do it?

One, we leave no one behind and make sure we have an event, exhibition, shop, brand, activity, or just something that connects with each of you. Two, we keep up with Kanpur. When the game is afoot, we put on our deerstalkers, buff our magnifying glasses and go exploring so that you don't have to!
