IAS Sudhir Kumar, who had been holding the position of Chief Development Officer (CDO) in Kanpur since the last few years will now serve as the Municipal Commissioner of the city. This order was passed by the government earlier this week.
The post of Municipal Commissioner had been vacant for 28 days after Mr. Shivasharanappa GN and now, Sudhir Kumar will embrace the role. While holding the post of CDO, Kumar did a lot of work regarding cleanliness in the villages and had also been honoured for the same.
On July 25, Sudhir Kumar took charge as the Municipal Commissioner of Kanpur and also met Mayor Pramila Pandey. He met the officials of the Municipal Corporation and being aware of the situation of the city already, here are a few agendas he said he wishes to achieve:
· Along with carrying out development work in the city, he will focus more on revenue collection, cleanliness and encroachment simultaneously.
· Government schemes will be implemented on time with priority.
· He will conduct a survey of the damaged roads during the rains and make them mattress free.
· Billing problems arising in house tax will be resolved on high priority.
· Efforts will be made to increase the revenue collection from Rs. 500 crore to Rs. 700 crore.
· Quick solutions to the problem of waterlogging in the city and spraying on anti-lacquers work will be expedited.
Kumar said that the priority is to resolve public complaints on time and launch an anti-encroachment campaign.
We congratulate Municipal Commissioner Sudhir Kumar on this new post and wish him strength and good luck to work for the city with full fervor.