Kumbh Mela 2025 which will happen in Prayagraj is a festival that holds utmost importance for Hindus. The event takes place at the confluence of the three holy Indian rivers- Ganga, Yamuna and the invisible Saraswati. In this regard, orders have been given to conduct a large scale exercise to make the Ganga River more pure in Kanpur.
In a recent meeting of the Ganga Protection Committee and District Environment Committee, instructions were given by DM Rakesh Kumar Singh to conduct this exercise to make Ganga River clean and pure in Kanpur. The Municipal Corporation, Pollution Control Board and Panchayat Raj Department will work on the action plan to clean Ganga.
The meeting took place at the auditorium located at Sarsaiya Ghat and instructions were given by DM to Regional Officer of Pollution Control Board, Amit Mishra to keep repairing and inspecting all the STPs and CETPs. The DM also announced that it will be the duty of the Project Manager, Municipal Corporation to ensure non-disposal of garbage and polythene within 500 meters of the catchment area of the river.
Discussions were also held to undertake bio-remediation of all untapped drains, ban single use plastic and identify ponds to be renovated for water conservation.
Along with this, on the lines of Rishikesh Parmath Niketan, Ganga Aarti will be held daily at Atal Ghat and five members will be given training for this.